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episode 3:

Ep. 3 will open at the Second Archives of the Impossible conference, where Dr. Kripal has convened some of the most respected academics in the country to discuss subjects that very rarely show up in academia: aliens, psychic powers, near-death experiences, ghosts, miracles.


Here, we’ll meet a whole variety of the very credible and serious individuals who are starting to make the paranormal an acceptable object of real and serious study, rather than a joke. Through their work, we’ll learn that many of these people don’t just see UFOs as machines in the sky: they understand them to be part of a much larger and weirder phenomenon.


As an example, we’ll see how enigmatic billionaire Robert Bigelow launched the Institute for Consciousness Studies after his aerospace company studied UFOs for the Pentagon, and hear how both Kripal and Kean served as advisors to him. Voices like Kripal, Kean, Strieber, occult historian Mitch Horowitz, Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Studies board member Sharon Rawlette, and acclaimed writer John Phillip Santos will illuminate the idea that UFOs might be part of a long history of supernatural phenomena and testimony that reaches back millenia, including religious experiences and folklore. The explanation resides in quantum physics, and how it seems to suggest that the universe actually operates in a much more unpredictable and unknown way than we tend to assume.

To understand this further, we will visit Dr. Eben Alexander, a neurosurgeon who fell into a coma and experienced remarkable visions of the afterlife. Ever since, he has become a leading voice in the field of near-death experiences, and their potential to demonstrate just how much science still has to learn about the way that consciousness works — and how it interacts with the world around us.

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